WinLine LIAN

Liquidity analysis

With the WinLine LIAN module (liquidity analysis), an extension module of WinLine Financial Accounting, you are always informed about your current financial situation, but you can also determine your future financing requirements at the touch of a button.

Depending on which data you use for your liquidity analysis, the final evaluation shows the current status of liquid funds. Decide for yourself whether you only want to view the current week or gain an overview over a longer period. If you wish, you can also output the data in Microsoft Excel for further processing.

Central functions at a glance

  • Customer/vendor invoices that are still managed as open items in WinLine Financial Accounting
  • Customer/vendor delivery notes that have not yet been invoiced
  • Customer orders or supplier orders not yet delivered
  • Budget values from G/L or person accounts, BKZ or BWA
  • Consideration of cash discounts
  • Consideration of waiting days
    (period from the creation of a document up to the next stage - e.g. supplier orders up to the expected delivery date)

More information

WinLine main module