Collaboration and communication tool

The networked collaboration of people in projects and teams is promoted by electronic media. Modern communication and discussion platforms such as the WinLine SHARE support, promote and centralize interaction and communication with one another - whether in the office or on the go via mobile devices.

Communicate even faster, clearer and, above all, uncomplicated - with the mesonic WinLine SHARE. And the best: WinLine SMART SHARE is already integrated in WinLine CRM and WinLine SMART!

Central functions

  • Curb the daily flood of emails
  • Documentation of discussions
  • Combination of several discussions in one group
  • Rating system like / dislike
  • Chat tool
  • Exchange of ideas and knowledge
  • Central collection of information
  • Optimal use of employee potential
  • Networking of experts
  • Structured working



More information

WinLine main module